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As a prerequisite, before a dog can compete for IGP1, it must pass a temperament test called a BH-VT (usually called just "BH", short for Begleithund, which means companion dog test in German). The BH-VT tests basic obedience and confidence around strange people, strange dogs, traffic, bicyclists, joggers, loud noises, and briefly tethered alone (such as tethering the dog to a post while its owner goes out of sight into a shop). A dog that exhibits excessive fear, distracted behaviors, or aggression will not pass the BH-VT and so cannot go on to the IGP-1 level.

The minimum age of a dog to enter a USCA trial is 15 months.

IGP-1, 2, & 3

Entry-level (IGP-1), Intermediate (IGP-2) & Advanced (IGP-3) tracking, obedience, and protection test.


  • Tracking phase (out of 100 points): This tests not only the dog's scenting ability, but its mental soundness, and physical endurance. A "track layer" walks across a field dropping several small articles along the way. After a period of time (depending on the level), the dog is directed to follow the track while being followed by its handler on a 10 meter (33 ft) leash. When the dog finds each article, he/she indicates it, usually by lying down with the article between his/her front paws. The dog is scored on how intently and carefully it follows the track and indicates the articles. The length, complexity, number of articles, and age of the track varies for each title.




  • Obedience phase (out of 100 points): This takes place in a large field, with two dogs on the field at a time. One dog is placed in a down position on the side of the field and its handler leaves it while the other dog works in the field. Then the dogs switch places. In the field, there are several heeling exercises, including heeling through a group of people. There are two or three gunshots during the heeling to test the dog's reaction to loud noises. There are one or two recalls, three retrieves (flat, jump and A-frame), and a "send out", in which the dog is directed to run away from the handler straight and fast and then lie down on command during its run. Obedience is judged on the dog's accuracy and attitude. The dog must show enthusiasm. A dog that is uninterested or cowering scores poorly.




  • Protection phase (out of 100 points): The judge has an assistant, called the "helper/decoy", who helps test the dog's courage to protect itself and its handler, and its ability to be controlled while doing so. The helper wears a padded sleeve on one arm. There are several "blinds" on the field, and the helper hides in a random blind. The dog is directed to search all the blinds for the helper. When it finds the helper, it indicates by barking. The dog must guard the helper to prevent them from moving until recalled by the handler. There follows a series of exercises similar to police work where the handler searches the helper and transports them to the judge. At specified points, the helper either attacks the dog or the handler, or attempts to escape. The dog must stop the attack or the escape by biting the padded sleeve. When the attack or escape stops, the dog is commanded to "out", or release the sleeve. The dog must out or it is dismissed. At all times the dog must show courage to engage the helper and the temperament to obey the handler while in this high state of drive. The dog must show enthusiasm. A dog that shows fear, lack of control, or inappropriate aggression is dismissed.





In order to take the IGP-1 test, the dog must be a minimum of 18 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite.  In order to take the IGP-2 test, the dog must be a minimum of 19 months old and has passed the IGP-1 test as a prerequisite.  In order to take the IGP-3, the dog must be a minimum of 20 months and has passed the IGP-2 test.





GPR- 1, 2, 3

Entry-level, Intermediate & Advanced Schutzhund title with obedience and protection tests only. Comparable to  IGP 1, 2 & 3, but no tracking. 


Maximum of 200 points.


In order to take this test, the dog must be a minimum of 18 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite.

TR/ FPR-1, 2, 3

Entry-level, Intermediate & Advanced titles with the tracking phase only. Comparable to IGP 1, 2 & 3, but no obedience and protection. 


Maximum 100 points.


In order to take this test, the dog must be a minimum of 15 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite.

OB/ UPR- 1, 2, 3

Entry-level, Intermediate & Advanced titles with the obedience phase only. Comparable to IGP 1, 2 & 3, but no tracking and protection. 


Maximum 100 points.


In order to take this test, the dog must be a minimum of 15 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite.

STP- 1, 2, 3

Article Indication Test: Entry-level, Intermediate & Advanced.


Level 1: Consists of a 20 meter x 30 meter search area, 2 handler articles with a maximum search time of 10 minutes. 


Level 2: Consists of a 20 meter x 40 meter search area, 4 stranger's articles with a maximum search time of 12 minutes. 


Level 3: Consists of a 30 meter x 50 meter search area, 5 stranger's articles with a maximum search time of 15 minutes. 


The STP test is performed in all-natural ground (i.e., grass, plowed field, wooded area) with the search area traversed by people several times. The STP test can be done in any level order and does not need to be done in order.  The dog is off-leash for the indication work while the handler walks along an imaginary centerline of the search area directing the dog around the search area.


In order to take this test, the dog must be a minimum of 15 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite. 

AD (Ausdauerpruefung)

This title denotes a dog who passed an endurance test by gaiting for 12.5 miles at around six miles per hour with a ten minute rest at the halfway point, followed by a light obedience exam to finish. A requirement for a breed survey.


In order to take this test, the dog must be a minimum of 16 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite. 

USP- 1, 2, 3

This test is a UScA recognized test only.  USP is a new title that is more rigourous than a IGP test that still encompasses all of the elements of IGP. The test includes soft, padded stick hits.  Check back for more details as they become available from UScA.  


RH- 1, 2

This is a sport level search and rescue test. This tests the dog's scenting ability, but also its mental soundness, and physical endurance.


For more information about the RH program and associated test.  Click the below link to learn more!




This tests the dog's scenting ability, but also its mental soundness, and physical endurance.


The handler walks across a field laying a track in 5 distinct legs totaling 600 paces with the last turn being an acute angle. There are no cross tracks.  While laying the track the handler drops 5 small articles along the way. After aging 90 minutes, the dog is directed to follow the track while being followed by its handler on a 10 meter (33 ft) leash. When the dog finds each article, he/she indicates it, usually by lying down with the article between his/her front paws. The dog is scored on how intently and carefully it follows the track and indicates the articles. The length, complexity, number of articles, and age of the track varies for each title.


Maximum 100 points.


In order to take this test, the dog must be a minimum of 15 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite.

FH-1/ FH-2/ IGP-FH

Advanced Tracking Titles: This tests the dog's scenting ability, but also its mental soundness, and physical endurance.  The length, complexity, number of articles, and age of the track varies for each title.


For FH-1, a "track layer" walks across a field for a total of 1, 200 paces with 7 distinct legs. There are 4 articles placed randomly throughout the track. There is also a cross track laid across the track 30 minutes before the dog begins tracking. The track ages for 120 minutes before the dog begins.


For FH-2, a "track layer" walks across a field for a total of 1,800 paces with 8 distinct legs, of which one is a semi-circle with a 30 meter radius and at least two corners are acute angles. There are 7 articles placed random only throughout the track. There is also a cross track laid across the track 30 minutes before the dog starts tracking. The track ages for 180 minutes before the dog begins.


For the IGP-FH, a "track layer" walks across a field for a total of 1,800 paces with 8 distinct legs, of which one is a semi-circle with a 30 meter radius and at least two corners are acute angles.  There are a total of two tracks laid, by two different track layers on two different days.  There are 7 articles placed random only throughout the track.  There is also a cross track laid across the track 30 minutes before the dog starts tracking. The tracks age for 180 minutes before the dog begins. 


After a period of time, the dog is directed to follow the track while being followed by its handler on a 10 meter (33 ft) leash. When the dog finds each article, he/she indicates it, usually by lying down with the article between his/her front paws. The dog is scored on how intently and carefully it follows the track and indicates the articles.


Maximum 100 points for each title.


In order to take the FH-1 test, the dog must be a minimum of 18 months old and has passed the BH-VT as a prerequisite.  In order to take the FH-2 test, the dog must be a minimum of 19 months old and has passed the FH-1 test as a prerequisite.  In order to take the IGP-FH, the dog must be a minimum of 20 months and has passed the FH-1 or FH-2 test.



Excellent – V (Vorzuglich) 286-300
Very Good – SG (Sehr gut) 270-285
Good – G (Gut) 240-269
Satisfactory B (Befriedigend) 220-239
Insufficient M (Mangelhaft) 0-219

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